Aerobic Training

Cardiovascular conditioning through activities like brisk walking, jogging, cycling, running, stepper workouts, and circuit training. BENEFITS Improves cardiovascular health and enhances respiratory function. Supports weight management and boosts endurance. Improves blood sugar levels boosts immune function and promotes better sleep. Price Free

Agility Training

Enhances power and strength for athletes to improve performance and prevent injuries. BENEFITS Enhances speed and reaction time with improved physical conditioning. Increased functional fitness and enhanced sports skills. Reduce the risk of injury and boosts mental agility. Price Free


Exercises to enhance flexibility, mobility, and strength through various asanas. BENEFITS Improves flexibility and reduces stress. Allows full body stretching and increases body awareness. Promotes better sleep and boosts mental clarity   Price Free


Training to strengthen the core and tone muscles, improving body awareness. BENEFITS Improves control over the body and boosts core strength. Enhances flexibility and improves body awareness. Enhances strength without bulk and promotes better alignment. Price Free


Focuses on post-surgery or injury recovery, working on specific muscles to restore stability and mobility. BENEFITS Prevent reoccurrence of pain. Aids in muscle activation. Helps you bounce back to your daily activities after any injury or surgery. Price Free

Strength and Conditioning

Based on five principles: Overload: Adding resistance (weights, bands, pulleys).. Specificity: training specific muscles Progression: gradual increase in muscle overload. Individuality: tailoring programs to individual abilities and requirements. Reversibility: training effects lost if discontinued. BENEFITS Improves muscle strength and bone strength Improves posture and boosts mental health Focuses on single muscle strengthening to enhance athletic…

Preventive Rehabilitation

Exercises aimed at strengthening muscles to prevent further injury or surgery. BENEFITS Strengthens muscle to prevent deterioration of joints and muscles. Induces joint stability and aids in long-term health. Improves posture and alignment of your body. Price Free

Kinesio Taping

An advanced therapy combining cupping, mobilization, and fascial stretching. BENEFITS Protects joints and soft tissues from excessive movement. Activates muscles and supports joints to allow faster recovery. Price Free